Welcome to the RubartsForCongress Blog

The rubartsforcongress.com web domain that I registered for my 2004 congressional campaign is still active, even though I am not running for public office in 2008. I decided to start a blog about goings-on in the 2008 Presidential Campaign, and about politics in general. I will try to keep all blog posts short and to-the-point.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Obama's Q1 Finances

Senator Barack Obama has done a masterful job so far of out-maneuvering Senator Hillary Clinton. The way that he handled the timing of reporting the first quarter finances of his campaign was deft, even though it was a fairly simple and straight-forward tactic.

Obama wanted a news cycle dedicated to the story as he wanted to spin it. So, he waited until the buzz has died down about Hillary raising more money than everyone, found out the details of how much of Clinton's money is for the primary versus general election, and then he finally releases the news that he raised more money for the primaries than Hillary did, and that more of his money was from smaller donors that are less likely to be maxed out than Hillary's donors are. In short, Obama took a page out of Bill Clinton's playbook, and he used it expertly against Hillary Clinton.

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