Welcome to the RubartsForCongress Blog

The rubartsforcongress.com web domain that I registered for my 2004 congressional campaign is still active, even though I am not running for public office in 2008. I decided to start a blog about goings-on in the 2008 Presidential Campaign, and about politics in general. I will try to keep all blog posts short and to-the-point.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Time Poll Results - Dems

In the latest generic national presidential race poll conducted by Time magazine, Barack Obama and John Edwards are in a virtual dead-heat for second place behind Hillary Clinton. The poll excluded Gov. Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich.

I used to think that Edwards had a real shot at becoming the Democratic nominee, and these poll results would tend to support that. However, I really have questions about it now. Consider:
  • Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have enough money (more than Edwards) to hang around in the race even after faring poorly in a few states' primaries
  • Both of them are strong in California which recently moved its primary date forward--muting the impact of Edward's strength in Iowa
Edwards really needs Barack Obama to commit a major faux pas. If that happens, then he could capture more of Obama's supporters than Hillary could. If Clinton slips up, Edwards would still have a shot, but she is a lot less likely to commit a terminal error.

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